This year’s annual Family Fun Day was another big success for MRCC! At last check, we raised over $6,000 and had several hundred folks come visit the center. All of the money raised will go to support a new educational amphitheater at our facility!
We’d like to send a big thank you to Casey Anderson and the team at Montana Grizzly Encounter! Not only did your contribution help drive our prize raffle but you helped create what we hope will be a lifelong memory for this young man.
We’d also like to thank the other numerous sponsors for the prizes and time they donated to the event: Schnees, Bozeman Optical, Murdochs, Mystery Ranch, Wild Birds Unlimited, Central Valley Fire Department, Montana Outdoor Science School, Montana and Sacajawea Audubon, Kenyon Noble, Grey Cliffs Ranch, The North Face, and Gallatin Valley Land Trust! An additional round of thanks goes out to Murdochs, Schnees, and Wild Birds Unlimited for helping us sell tickets for the raffle.
To share even more exciting news, we’re currently drawing up plans for the new amphitheater! Once this is complete, we’ll start finalizing estimates and get to work reshaping and excavating the earth. The new addition will be handicapped accessible, features expanded seating, and provides an opportunity for the public to come visit us more often!
Once again, THANK YOU, to all of the volunteers and supporters of the work we undertake for Montana’s raptors. Birds of a feather, flock together.